Friday, September 20, 2013

Walking Adventures

Jenn and I have always enjoyed walking. When I think about it, walking has actually been a constant in our relationship. We always went on walks when I visited her house before the wedding, we often went on walks at school, and we enjoy hiking partially because it's just like walking together. The few times she visited me down the shore we walked on the beach a lot, and one of our first dates was a long walk to look for a meteor shower (never found it - cloudy).

The walks started primarily because of Jenn. I did not grow up with a sidewalk or walking path nearby, so my form of outdoor activity at home was playing in the backyard with my sister, and later our dog as well. Jenn, though, grew up walking often with her family, since their town had an extensive trail system, essentially in her backyard. It was such a foreign concept for me, but I became used to it and have grown to enjoy just going on a walk. When I am at Jenn's house, you go on walks - simple fact.

Walks have now become an even more important part of our daily routine. With Jenn's commute, we usually get an average of three hours to hang-out in the evenings, and part of that is our evening walk. That is our chance to get a small bit of exercise or at least stretch our legs. It's our chance to actually learn what the other did that day. And most importantly, it's our chance to spend time together with nothing else on our minds. :)

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